Iyengar Yoga is for ALL ages and ALL physical abilities.
Certified Iyengar Yoga instructors guide students of all ages and physical abilities to experience yoga in a safe, accessible, and rewarding way. Instructors are held to a rigorous standard. Only after years of training and evaluation do they become certified. Instructors modify classic asanas (postures) for individual students with the use of props such as blocks, blankets, and belts which allow students to go deeper into an asana.
Iyengar Yoga instructors use their deep-seated knowledge of the asanas to individualize corrections for each student. Students know they are observed and if necessary, are adjusted. Clear demonstrations of the posture, a well-developed eye, and specific teaching points are the standards of an Iyengar Yoga instructor.
B.K.S. Iyengar, widely regarded as the 20th century’s foremost yoga teacher, taught that the greatest benefits from yoga could be found in slow, sustained movements performed with precision and vitality.
Mr. Iyengar designed props to enable every body to experience a safe and transformative practice. Iyengar Yoga is accessible for all ages and all body types.

B.K.S. Iyengar
1918 — 2014
“It is through your body that you realize you are a spark of divinity.”
Called the "Michelangelo of yoga", B.K.S. Iyengar was recognized as the world's greatest yoga teacher.
Iyengar brought yoga to the west with his pioneer teaching in the 1970s, the start of today’s explosive growth in yoga. His seminal manual, Light on Yoga, called the "Bible" of yoga has been the guide for generations of yoga students. His most recent work, Light on Life, led to a world tour of standing-room-only appearances.
His innovations in the use of props, now ubiquitous in yoga studios of all styles, reshaped the art. Blankets, belts, and other devices allow students to work safely in the yoga asanas. Iyengar also reshaped the therapeutic applications of yoga which helped validate yoga as legitimate treatment for serious medical conditions.
Perhaps the most groundbreaking aspect of Mr. Iyengar’s teaching was that through the yoga asanas and Pranayama (the control of the breath) the practitioner can explore the most advanced stages of yoga which include concentration, true meditation, and even Samadhi; the mystical union of the individual soul of the student with the universal God.
Mr. Iyengar bridged the gap between traditional distinctions between hatha yoga, at times considered merely a physical form of yoga, and yogas which focus on the intellect, devotion, and meditation. Mr. Iyengar brought the spiritual nature and healing power of yoga to hundreds of thousands of students around the world.
Get started.
Our Plan to Keep Our Yoga Community Healthy:
Our plan begins with honesty.
EVERY in-person student must be fully vaccinated. Use of masks will be optional!
If you are not fully vaccinated, please take the Zoom classees.Please stay home if you’re feeling any symptoms (coughing, sneezing, fever, aches and pains).
Please get tested if you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms
Keep all things Clean
Arrive at studio with your practice clothes on so that bathroom use is lessened.
Bringing your own mat is optional.
Continue to use provided hand-sanitizer.
Sanitizing Air and Props
Door handles and fixtures will be disinfected often.
Chairs, blankets and other props will be sterilized nightly.
The air will be purified continuously during the day.
We will do this with two new pieces of equipment:
AIRdog X8
An AIRdog X8 will rapidly clean and purify the air. This high-end air purifier traps and destroys particles that are 4 times smaller than the Covid-19 virus and is much faster than conventional purifiers. It’s high CADR (clean air delivery system), up to 470 CFM, means it can purify the entire volume of air in the studio twice every hour and it’s quiet enough that we can keep it running on high continuously throughout the day.
Ozone Generator (model DR-10)
Ozone has been shown to be particularly effective at sanitizing the air, surfaces and penetrating soft materials, so we have installed an Ozone Generator (model DR-10). It will be left on in the evening for 4 hours and then have a rest period of 8 hours while ozone reverts back to harmless oxygen.